Welcome to the Documentation of Minzel Multipurpose WordPress Theme!

We would like to thank you for purchasing Minzel Multipurpose WordPress Theme! We are very pleased you have chosen Minzel WordPress Theme for your website, you will be never disappointed.

Before you get started, please be sure to always check out this documentation. We outline all kinds of good information and provide you with all the details you need to use Minzel WordPress Theme. You need to have a server running WordPress then you are ready to go.

If you are unable to find your answer here in our documentation, we encourage you to contact us through our Support page. We are very happy to help you and you will get a reply from us ASAP. Thank you, we hope you to enjoy using Minzel WordPress Theme!

WordPress Information

To install this theme you must have the latest version of WordPress already installed. If you need help installing WordPress, follow the instructions in WordPress Codex. Below are all the useful links for WordPress information.

Install Minzel Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Step: 1. Open WordPress admin panel and go Appearance -> Theme page.

Step: 2. Click Add New button and click the Upload Theme button. Upload the minzel.zip

Step 3. Once the theme is done uploading you need to click the Install Now button.

Step 4. Open WordPress admin panel and go Appearance -> Theme and activate the Minzel WordPress theme.

Plugins Installation

After you Activate this theme you will see a message in the WordPress admin panel that you can install the recommended plugins. All plugins are free to use. You can install them all to get the best out of your theme. However, you can use the Minzel WordPress Theme without installing any plugins too. In that case, some functionality will be limited.

Step 1 - Click Begin Installing Plugins in the notice message

Step 2 - You can check all plugins (We recommend installing all plugins to get the best out of Minzel. However, you can use the theme without any plugin.)

Step 3 - Select Install in dropdown Bulk Actions menu and click Apply

Step 4 - You should get All Installations have been Completed message with installed Plugins table below it

Step 5 - Select Activate in the dropdown menu under Bulk Actions and click Apply to activate the plugin(s)

Minzel theme recommends the following plugins for best experience:

Recommended Plugins:

  • One Click Demo Import - Import your content, widgets and customizer options with one click.
  • Contact Form 7 - Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.
  • Elementor - The most advanced frontend drag & drop page builder.
  • MailChimp for WordPress - Allowing your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter should be easy. With this plugin, it finally is.
  • Minzel Helper - This is minzel theme's helper plugin
  • Recent Posts Widgets With Thumbnails - Small and fast plugin to display in the sidebar a list of linked titles and thumbnails of the most recent postings
  • TI WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin - Wishlist functionality for your WooCommerce store.
  • Useful Addons Elementor - This plugin for Elementor to create beautiful design.
  • Variation Swatches for WooCommerce - Beautiful colors, images and buttons variation swatches for WooCommerce product attributes.
  • WooCommerce - An eCommerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully.
  • YITH WooCommerce Compare - The plugin allows you to compare in a simple and efficient way products on sale in your shop and analyze their main features in a single table.

Demo Installation

Step 1. Go to Appearance -> Import Demo Data on admin panel sidebar.

Step 2. Click the Import Demo Data button.

Step 3. After Imported Demo data. You will see a message That's it, all done!

Step 4. Go to Setting -> Permalinks check Post Name.

Step 5. Then Click the Save Changes button.

Mailchimp for WordPress

If you have installed mailchimp for WordPress plugin. So you need to connect it with mailchimp site.

Go to MailChimp for WP on WordPress admin sidebar. Enter you mailchimp api key. Then click the Save Changes button on the bottom. You will see a message CONNECTED.

Mailchimp Form Default Code:

    <div class="contact-form-action subscribe_form">
        <!--Contact Form-->

        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-9 col-sm-12 form-group">
                <input class="form-control" type="email" name="email" placeholder="Enter your email..." required="">
            </div><!-- end col-md-12 -->
            <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 form-group subscribe-btn">
                <button class="theme-button" type="submit">
                Subscribe <i class="fa fa-angle-right fa__arrow"></i>
            </div><!-- end col-md-12 -->
        </div><!-- end row -->



Minzel works compatibly with Woo Commerce, allows you to create your online shop. If you plan to use Woo Commerce Plugin for you site, check out the source:


How to setup your wishlist page. Please check the screenshot below:


YITH WooCommerce Compare

How to setup YITH WooCommerce Compare plugin. Please check the screenshots below.

Variation Swatches For WooCommerce

How to setup variation swatches. please check your screenshots below.

Traditional Theme Update Method

This method does require more steps and manual work. First you need to manually download the new theme package from your Themeforest account. Once you have the new theme package, you can choose to upload the theme via WordPress or via FTP. Please see the information below for how to download new files, and install it via WP or via FTP.

How to download new theme files from Themeforest

Step 1. Log into your Themeforest account and navigate to your downloads tab. Find the "Minzel" theme purchase.

Step 2. Click the "download" button next to it and choose to download the "Installable WordPress Theme" which is just the WordPress file, or choose the "Main Files" which is the entire package that contains everything.

Step 3. Then you need to decide if you want to install the update via FTP or via WordPress. Directions for both methods are below.

How to update your theme via FTP

Step 1. Go to "wp-content->themes location and backup your "Minzel" theme folder by saving it to your computer, or you can choose to simply delete it. Your content will not be lost.

Step 2. Retrieve the "minzel.zip" file from your new Themeforest download and extract the file to get the "minzel" theme folder.

Step 3. Then simply drag and drop the new "minzel" theme folder info "wp-content->themes" location. Choose to "Replace" the current one if you did not delete it.

Step 4. Lastly, update the included plugins. You will see a notification message letting you know the plugins have a new version and need to be updated. You should update the plugins. You can see Update Plugin

How to update your theme via WordPress

Step 1. you need to deactivate the current "Minzel" theme in the "Appearance->themes" section by simply activating a different theme. Once you activate a different theme, you can delete the Minzel theme. Don't worry, your content will not be lost.

Step 2. Retrieve the "minzel.zip" file from your new Themeforest download. It you downloaded the "Main Files" from Themeforest, then you need to unzip the archive file you received, the "minzel.zip" will be inside of it.

Step 3. Then simply upload the "minzel.zip" file in the "Appearance->themes" section. Click on the "Install Themes" tab at the top and choose to upload the zip file.

Step 4. Once it uploads, choose to activate the theme.

Step 5. Lastly, update the included plugins. You will see a notification message letting you kno the plugins have a new version and need to be updated. You should update the plugins. You can see Update Plugin for more details.

Update Plugin

Like WordPress itself, you can update plugins with a one click method. To do that, go to the 'Updates' section of your administration panel.

If there are some plugins that can be updated, they will appear here, right below the part which tells you if a new version of WordPress is available or not.

To update your plugins, select them and click on the 'Update Plugins' button .

Whether for plugins, you will be led to another page which will inform you about the progress of the update, just as it does with the WordPress update.

Note that for plugins, another section will also allow you to update in one click: the "Installed Plugins" section in the Dashboard. If a plugin can be updated, a message will appear right below it, with a link to update it automatically. You can even select all of your plugins and choose "Update" in the drop down list to bulk update the ones that need it.

WordPress Configuration

You can adjust WordPress settings as follows:

  • You can set Site Title in Settings->General.
  • You can set Blog posts show at most in Settings->Reading .
  • You can select Front Page and Posts Page in Settings->Reading.
  • You can set Discussion Settings in Settings->Discussion
  • You can change Image Sizes in Settings->Media.
    we used the following sizes on our demo sites:
    Thumbnail Size: 150 x 150
    Medium Size: 300 x 300
    Large Size: 1024 x 1024
  • You should ensure that a non-default permalink setting is selected, e.g. Month and name in Settings->Permalinks

Widgets Management

In Default, you can use widget in right sidebar and footer of a page.

Step 1 - Go to Appearance -> Widgets.

Step 2 - Move widgets from left " Available Widgets " block to right sidebar that you want to use to add it to display in theme.

Step 3 - Press Delete to remove widget.

General Information

Minzel is loaded with options for the box. It offers some different options for you to present your blog posts, along with several different blog layouts. The minzel blog is extremely versatile and powerful. There are nice ways to display your blog posts. The following sections will cover each of these aspects of the blog that are listed below.

Creating / Editing Posts

Step 1 - Navigate to Posts in your WordPress admin sidebar.

Step 2 - Click on the Add New option to make a new post. Create a title, and insert your post content in the editing field.

Step 3 - Add Categories from the right side. To assign it to the post, check the box next to the Category name.

Step 4 - Add tags from the right side. Type the name of the tag in the field, separate multiple tags with commas.

Step 5 - For a single image, click the first Featured Image Box, select an image and click the Set Featured Image button.

Step 6 - For a link post, paste the URL into the up editor Link field.

Step 7 - Once you are finished, click Publish or Update to save the post.


Here is a screenshot that shows the various areas of the post page described above.


How to Use contact form

Contact Forms Settings:

We have included default code for minzel contact form. You can use in this code click here.

How to create a Contact Form

Step 1. If you have installed Contact Form 7 plugin from Appearance->Install Plugins on admin sidebar.

Step 2. Go to Contact->Add New on admin sidebar.

Step 3. Then click to Form tab in the contact form.

Step 4. Input content to create form. If you have created form then click the Save button on the bottom.

Step 5. If do you want to set your email on contact form, please go to Mail tab in contact form.

Step 6. And set your email address.

Step 7. After you have created form then click the Save button on the bottom.

That's it. Your contact form is ready

You can do step by step as image below to build contact form.

How to Use Contact Form Shortcodes.

Step 1. Go to Contact on admin sidebar. And find which form you create and click Contact Form.

Step 2. Then you will be able to see shortcode at the top.

Step 3. Copy this shortcode.

Step 4. Go to Page->Add New Enter the page title and click the Edit with Elementor button.

Step 5. And create an Elementor section. Then you will be able to see many addons in the left sidebar. so you need to find Shortcode addon and simply this addon. Then paste your contact form shortcode there.

Step 6. Click the Publish button on the Left sidebar bottom.

You can visit Contact Form 7 Plugin to further details.

Or copy and paste content to Form field like this:

Example: Value Content for Contact Form.

Default Contact Form

<div class="contact-form-action contact-pg-form">
    <form method="post">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 form-group">
                <label class="label-text">your name <span class="span-star-color">*</span></label>
                [text* name-352 class:form-control placeholder "Full Name"]
            <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 form-group">
                <label class="label-text">Your email <span class="span-star-color">*</span></label>
                [email* email-374 class:form-control placeholder "Email Address"]
            <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 form-group">
                <label class="label-text">your number <span class="span-star-color">*</span></label>
                [tel* tel-700 class:form-control placeholder "Your Phone"]

            <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 form-group">
                <label class="label-text">subject <span class="span-star-color">*</span></label>
                [text* sub-352 class:form-control placeholder "Subject"]

            <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 form-group">
                <label class="label-text">your message <span class="span-star-color">*</span></label>
                [textarea* textarea-307 class:message-control class:form-control placeholder "Write Message"]
            <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 form-group">
                [submit class:theme-button class:submit__btn "Send us Message"]

Output Contact Form.

Call To Action Form Default Code

    <div class="newsletter-area-contact-form-action">
        <form method="post">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 form-group">
                    <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 form-group">
                        <div class="newsletter-fields">
                            [text* name-434 class:form-control placeholder "Name"]
                    <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 form-group">
                        <div class="newsletter-fields">
                            [email* email-606 class:form-control placeholder "Email"]
                        <div class="newsletter-fields">
                            [text* subject-434 class:form-control placeholder "Subject"]
                        <div class="newsletter-fields">
                            [textarea* textarea-332 class:form-control placeholder "Message"]
                        <div class="newsletter-form-button">
                            [submit class:theme-button "Send Us Message"]

Footer Get In Touch Form Default Code

<div class="contact-form-action">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 form-group">
            [text* name-354 class:form-control placeholder "Name"]
        <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 form-group">
            [email* email-271 class:form-control placeholder "Email"]
        <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 form-group">
            [textarea* textarea-566 class:message-control class:form-control placeholder "Write Message"]
        <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 form-group">
            [submit class:theme-button "send us message"]
Footer Form


You can manage multiple theme settings with live preview in our Customizer setting.

1 - Go to Appearance -> Customizer From the left sidebar in WP admin panel


You can manage a lot of panels, sections, settings check all available Tab with settings.

When you change the value of one setting, the result'll appear without saving. You can test before saving by click to Save button.

Some special customizes

1 - Change general options like: Enable/Disable Page Loader Animation.


2 - Change general options like: Enable/Disable Header Contact Info


3 - Change general options like: Enable/Disable Scroll Top Button and change icon.


4 - Change general options like: Add/Remove/Change the header image.


5 - Change Options of Blog like: Position your blog sidebar left/right/none.


6 - Change options of footer like: Change footer left contents, change copyright text, change CTA title and shortcode




Thanks For Using Minzel Multipurpose WordPress Theme!

We would like to thank you for using Minzel Multipurpose WordPress Theme! We are very pleased you have chosen Minzel Multipurpose WordPress Theme for your website, we always provide best support for our customers, you can confirm it from our themeforest review rating - top 1 in themeforest!

If you have any difficulities with Minzel Multipurpose WordPress Theme or need any additional service, do not hesitate to contact us. We provide 24/7 Support!

Regarding presale questions and free support for theme usage, please contact us through themeforest support page. We will provide you amazing one-by-one email support and you will get answers more faster than you expected. We also provide support in weekends, but may require some more hours than normal working days.

Regarding customization service based on out themes or other magento related, please contact us to contact@techydevs.com. We have an amazing team to provide customization service who have done bunch of customization projects so far, will provide you reasonable quote before start.

Free Support for Questions and Issues

Visit Support Page


Customization Service(additional cost)

